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Welcome to 2020! It’s a really exciting time to be a business owner, isn’t it? Your business hasn’t just successfully evolved into a new year; it’s now officially operating in an entirely new decade!

In the 20s, advances in modern technology will likely fly at you faster than ever before. Many will be poised to serve as fine additions to already-existing systems, while others will slowly replace their predecessors. 

At Screenfluence, we believe that digital signage may soon be working its way from the former into the latter category. After all, digital signs have capabilities that traditional signs do not. 

Here’s how corporate digital signage enhances the workplace in 2020. 

Digital signage isn’t for advertising alone.

While digital signs are proving to be fantastic marketing tools for businesses of all kinds, they also serve the needs of various corporate cultures. 

Internal digital signs make for great modes of communication between co-workers. Many companies utilize email and online chats in order for their employees to interact, but digital signage is growing in popularity as an inter-office tool. Corporate digital signage enhances the workplace in many ways. 

Improve safety with Digital Signage.

How often are fire and other safety drills run at your place of business? Our guess is not all that often. Most of us generally fall into lulls of complacency as it relates to our safety standards. 

We assume that a yearly meeting about evacuation routes and fire extinguisher locations is sufficient preparation for an unlikely incident. Inter-office digital signage can give employers the ability to give their staff year-round reminders about how to act in the event of an emergency.

“Digital signage can help ensure workplace safety,” agrees Alexandra Zamolo on the Beekeeper Blog, “If there’s an equipment failure on the factory floor, that message needs to be distributed immediately so it’s seen by all workers right away. Digital signage offers an internal communication channel that’s perfect for immediate alerts, which is a great benefit of digital communication.”

Keep workers on the same page.

Gone are the days of manual handbooks, printed and stapled for each employee. Today, regularly-updated digital signs can work wonders in ensuring that all staff members are abreast of such information as company policy updates and the introduction of new products and services.

According to digital signage expert, Bridget Callahan on, “if digital signs are on prominent display in your office, they can be used to list corporate goals and values so employees have an easy-to-access motivator and a reminder of what’s expected of them each day.”

Digital Signage can boost employee morale.

As is often said, a happy employee is a productive employee. This is why so many recruitment experts highly advocate for employers to focus on the happiness of their current staff members. 

With digital signage, business owners are given the opportunity to provide daily messages that include birthday wishes to employees, acknowledgments of special accomplishments, employee of the month recognition and contest winners.

Promote teamwork.

They say teamwork makes the dream work. And while that saying may have become a cliché in recent years, it doesn’t make it any less true. The more the members of your workforce are compelled to work together, the greater both your company culture and overall productivity will be.  

“Workplace collaboration can enhance the productivity of companies overall, so it’s wise to take measures to promote collaborative initiatives whenever possible,” insists Callahan, “By making digital signage a fixture in the workplace, employees can become more engaged with one another and work toward achieving success with greater awareness and efficiency.”

How can Screenfluence help your company to benefit from using digital signage? Find out by calling us at 1-844-772-7336 or emailing us at

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