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The coronavirus pandemic has changed life as we know it. The vast majority of us are on strict orders to self-isolate at home and practice social distancing as much as possible when we’re out in public. For the most part, being out in public is an activity prompted only by necessity, such as shopping for groceries. If your business is considered essential, in addition to meeting imperative needs, you can utilize your digital signage to help flatten the COVID-19 curve.

Share the most recent news updates.

Not a day goes by when new information isn’t provided to us by the political leaders of our country. Because they are continually receiving new information from our nation’s health care professionals, updates are made rapidly. Arguably, there is no more important information to display on your digital signs than these new updates. They often contain information about business closures, educational responsibilities of parents and emergency health care support.

Keep your patients informed.

Medical facilities, it goes without saying, are essential to the public. However, during these tough times, it is likely that wait times will increase and overcrowding in emergency rooms may become a problem. Patients need to be informed about the rules and regulations of the facilities they visit. That includes the necessity of wearing masks, how much space is required for adequate social distancing and how long it may take for their appointments to begin.

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How one dental clinic used digital signage to increase patient awareness, generate organic patient conversation, and increase revenue.

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Offer reminders of how to stay safe.

Given our current circumstances, there is no such thing as providing “too much” information about how to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Regularly provide visuals that help to explain how to properly wash your hands (with warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds), how to sneeze into your inner elbow or a tissue (instead of your hand) and why it’s important to stay at home unless it’s absolutely necessary to leave the house.

Display your business hours.

You can save a lot of people a lot of hassle and significantly lower their risks of infection by making clear your business hours. Utilize your digital signage to display your hours of operation in order to avoid having anyone visit your location when the doors are closed. As has been made clear, staying at home is a top recommendation right now. The shorter the time spans people spend outside of their homes, the smaller their risks of spreading or contracting the infection.

Offer way-finding solutions.

Consider the products in your grocery store that are most highly sought-after by your customers, at the present time. Where are your disinfectant wipes located? In what aisle do you stock your toilet paper? How can customers find your canned goods? Placing the answers to these questions on display via your digital signage will work wonders in shortening customer visits to your store. It will ensure that each of them find what they’re looking for without having to come into contact with one of your employees.

Remind visitors about your social distancing policies.

It’s wise to place markings on the floor, by your checkout, in order to help customers avoid coming into close contact with each other. Use your digital signs to alert your visitors about these floor markings and/or remind them to keep safe distances from others while walking up and down the aisles of your shop. Repetition is the key. The more often you display your reminders, the more likely your policies will be adhered to.

For more information about how you can use digital signage to flatten the COVID-19 curve, please don’t hesitate to contact Screenfluence by calling 1-844-772-7336 or emailing

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