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Screenfluence Academy

Lesson 2:

How to create your own digital signage content

How to create a digital signage content strategy
How to create your own digital signage content
7 rules for creating digital content for your screens
Tips on scheduling content for your digital signage
Best way to organize your digital signage content
Using social media content for digital signage: Best practices
How to reuse your existing content on digital signage screens?
5 graphic design tips for memorable digital signage content
Digital signage content ideas for each industry: Fast Food, Education, Corporate and Retail
Best practices – Screen recommendations for digital signage

Full Transcript

Welcome to Screenfluence Academy

Hi, I’m here to talk to you about your digital signage content.

Does the thought of creating your own content stress you out?

Don’t worry, WE got you!

Creating digital signage content shouldn’t be difficult!

In this series, I’ll teach you how YOU can design it on your own.

If you’re curious to learn about content strategy, make sure to check out the previous video.

I know that designing visually appealing digital signage can be a scary task.

Especially if you’re not a graphic designer. But no one is asking you to be one.

Lucky for you, there are online graphic design tools such as Envato Elements, Canva, and Stencil, which are all websites that let you download premium design templates without breaking the bank.

These websites can provide you with everything you need to build creative digital signage content, from graphics to fonts to images.

Here’s the thing. You don’t need to hire a professional photographer to display eye-catching pictures on your screens.

There are a variety of free stock photo and video resources available online.

You can check out websites like Unsplash, Pexels, and Burst, among many others. Make use of them!

Do you have any experience composing messages?

That’s a trick question. We all do.

Chances are that you send numerous emails and texts on a regular basis. It’s possible you’ve even composed a letter or two in your day.

So don’t be afraid to come up with your own ideas for the text and visuals.
A good thing to remember: when it comes to digital signage you may not even need to create new content.

You probably already have a whole host of useful content like images or videos from your social accounts you can simply repurpose.
Designing digital signage content isn’t as difficult as you might think.

You do, however, want to ensure that you locate a digital signage software that is user-friendly. This is especially important if you don’t have much experience with such software.

But this is what we’re here for and this is what YOU’RE here for. So stay tuned to become a digital signage expert.


Looking To Save It For Later?

This series of short, 2-4 min video tips will turn you into a digital signage content management genius in less than 45 minutes. Drop your email and we’ll send the link to your inbox to watch later.

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